Durham County Council is responsible for deciding planning applications for Seaton with Slingley. The County Council is responsible for consulting residents and interested parties on planning proposals and taking views into account in reaching a decision. Members of the public can make their views known direct to the County Council. Residents are normally consulted on applications by letter or by site notices if they live adjacent or nearby proposed developments. It is the County Council’s decision on who it may consult although it is required to consult certain individuals and bodies in particular circumstances.
Seaton with Slingley Parish Council is a statutory consultee on planning applications. It is consulted at the same time as adjacent occupiers and must make its representations in the same timescales as other consultees. As a publicly elected body, it makes representations on behalf of the community. The Parish Council will formally consider proposals that it is consulted on at the monthly Council Meeting. It will decide whether to support, object to or offer no objections to a proposal having taken into account the information it has at the time of its decision.
If you wish to comment on an application that may affect you then you should contact Durham County Council as they are the decision making body.
Weekly lists of planning applications in County Durham can be viewed on the Planning section of the Durham County Council website.